Thursday, September 23, 2010

All day sickness

PLEASE can the m/s go away?
First of all, why do they call it morning sickness anyways? For me, the nausea lasts all day and all night. J got home at midnight last night & I had gone to bed at 8, but I was up anyways because my tummy was continuously growling.
Second of all, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WARN ME??? I mean of all the women in my life, someone should have sat me down and said, this is the deal...when you get pregnant for the first 2 weeks or so it is glorious, then the sickness, exhaustion, constant peeing, gas, bloating, etc will set in and you will feel like crap 24/7. Everyone will ask you if you are excited, but it will be hard to put a smile on your face, so leave the excitement up to the hubby for awhile. So friends that have not had kids yet, here you go and if you want it straight, feel free to ask me. Though I guess some people may choose to be oblivious which is not a bad thought, but not for me.
And the worst part for me, is the constantly STUFFING MY FACE. Nothing sounds good, then my stomach growls as if the baby is saying "Feed Me Now!" and so I sit and think for a good few minutes about what I can put down my throat. It's like "The Night Before Christmas" with the kids dreaming about all their goodies, only in my head it is a slot machine and I always land on the item that makes me want to puke. I have to pull the arm time and time again until I find something that vaguely sounds appetizing. And even then it is a toss up whether or not the smell of it will make me nauseous. I am so tired of food! Hopefully it will be gone soon, though I have the feeling I will be one of those lucky few that has it the whole time.

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