Monday, October 18, 2010

16 weeks

16 weeks...starting to feel better the past week or so. Or am I just used to the morning sickness/better at managing it? Either way, I'll take what I can get. Right now the heartburn is the worst. I've never had it before in my life and hope I never get it again. Now am I not only limited to what I eat because of the nausea and gas, but now the heartburn. My go-to foods are filet mignon, baked potatoes and green beans. If I could have that every night, I'd be so happy. I think I've had pretty much every symptom a pregnant lady can get. If I can get away without getting hemorrhoids, I'll consider myself lucky.
This morning I was running late for work when the dog decided it would be a good time to start throwing up. The sight of him throwing up made me start dry heaving...and then while cleaning up I had to stop every now and then to run to the bathroom. All the while the dog is sulking/trying to eat his throw up. The hilarity of the situation hit me on the drive to work and I just started cracking up in my car. Wonder if the dog is having sympathy pains?

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