We decided on a daycare. We are going with the more laid back, convenient and less expensive daycare. J suggested pretending that we are paying for the more expensive daycare and then putting the difference towards a college account. He has the best ideas; he really amazes me. So tomorrow I am going to drop off the paperwork and pay the deposit. Cross that off my list!
Speaking of lists, I did find a pregnancy checklist on thebump.com. Of course I amended it, but I am so relieved to know what and when we need to do everything. We are going to register in a couple of weeks when the new Babies R Us opens. I am expecting not to have a shower because it is the same thing as when we got married, our family and friends live across the country and it is just too hard to get everyone together. And honestly I am uncomfortable with all the attention and oohhing and ahhing. I am so Miranda...So I figured we'd still register and then people can use that for Christmas gifts. Plus, they give a discount to any items not purchased off the registry so at the very least we'll get a discount! You know I'm always searching for discounts!
Had my 14 week checkup today and heard the heartbeat again. That is just the coolest thing. Next checkup is the ultrasound and I can't wait to see the baby and have J there to hear the heartbeat. I already told my dr that we do not want to find out the sex. I know we are bucking the popular trend but it is kind of a family tradition not to find out and I figure that I will need something to help me get through the labor!
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