Sunday, October 10, 2010

Beef 'n Cheddar

I decided to introduce the kid to Beef 'n Cheddars today. I thought it was appropriate because Arbys was a large part of my childhood. Then I had a nervous breakdown because I realized I just ate "deli meat." Or whatever it is, I think it is close to deli meat. Pregnant women are now not allowed to eat deli meat, or it has to be heated until steaming.
The restrictions put on pregnant women today are crazy: my mother is appalled. When I told her that my prenatal vitamins were making me sick, she asked "What are these prenatal vitamins?" I was appalled that she didn't know what they were, and didn't she take them? Apparently, back in the 70s and 80s women didn't have to take vitamins, as their diet should suffice. Nowadays prenatals are practically shoved down our throat. Heck, I was even taking them for 6 mos before even getting pregnant. And we can't eat soft cheese and hot dogs, and what else? Not to mention all the things we can't do. It's like we are expected to live like bubble boy for 9 (10) months. I have no problem with not drinking alcohol or smoking as those aren't even good for you when you're not pregnant. But you're telling me that if I eat a ham sandwich or have some bleu cheese on my salad that I could harm the baby?
If you read the fine print on most of these things, it really is OK to eat them, you just might get a little sick. Actually, the same effect as if you're not pregnant. Anyone can get sick from deli meat that has been sitting out for awhile...Remember J in college when we had subs and I was violently ill in your dorm bathroom the whole night? As I was puking, he was cheering me on...that's when I knew he was a keeper. Anyone can get sick from unpasteurized cheese or juice.
BUT we are so barraged with "Don't eat this" and "Don't do that" that it scares us. Of course we want the best for our babies, so we stay as far away from ANYTHING that could harm our baby in ANY way whatsoever, even if the risk is 1 in a million. Then have panic attacks when we realized we ate a morsel of bleu cheese on a salad last night. I mean, aren't we supposed to enjoy being pregnant?
I admit, I have been one of those ladies who has not eaten anything suspicious, won't lift up anything heavier than a pound, and has choked down the prenatal vitamins even when I knew they would make me sick. Like any other parent, I just want the best for my child and want them to have every advantage in the world from the first time they cry. I have also not enjoyed this pregnancy much so far either. I would think a happy mommy would make a happy baby more than staying away from a hot dog. So yes, I will do my best, and of course will continue to stay away from the really bad things (which thankfully I don't like anyways). But I am a realistic person, and more than anything I want to enjoy being pregnant.
So bring on the Beef 'n Cheddars baby!!

1 comment:

  1. You're still early in your pregnancy. Believe me all of the strict diet restrictions will not be followed when you start craving more. I was told not to eat Caesar salad dressing. I did. She's fine.
